Call for Papers and Instructions
The Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation is an online journal that aims to provide a forum for publication, discussion, narrative expression and dialogue regarding the human experience of patients, families and healthcare providers involved in therapy and rehabilitation. The journal strives to publish original articles and pieces of work in many genres related to various disciplines of rehabilitation and the patient/caregiver experience with illness and disability. Submissions may be in many forms, including a perspectives piece, personal narrative, poetry, video or photo essay, or an original research article. We welcome ‘critical’ work in the form of research or perspectives pieces which work to illuminate the social, cultural and political assumptions that underpin rehabilitation. We are also looking for reviews of films or books that may be relevant to this topic, or a personal reflection that describes an interaction and provides a learning experience between a healthcare provider and an individual living with disabilities. All submissions published in the journal will undergo peer review based on initial editor screening.
Special Call for Submissions for the Historical Perspectives in Art Section
The Historical Perspectives in Art Section is open to scholars and clinicians who are interested in researching art history as it broadly relates to rehabilitation medicine. Areas of interest include anatomy, disease, illness, health, the cultures of rehabilitation science and of the clinic, medical education, history of medicine, disability, physical limitations, trauma, and power relations as these are represented and interpreted in visual art. See past issues for content examples at:
We hope that you will reflect on your experiences in the humanities of rehabilitation and consider submitting a piece to our journal. If you have an idea of an event or experience, but are unsure of how it might fit into our format, please feel free to contact us to discuss.
Interested contributors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts/papers/works of art to the editorial staff via e-mail. Click here to send an email, or use the address jhrsubmissions [at] listserv [dot] cc [dot] emory [dot] edu. Please indicate the name of the journal (The Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation) in the subject box during submission via e-mail.
For any additional information, please contact the editoral staff at jhrsubmissions [at] listserv [dot] cc [dot] emory [dot] edu or click here to send an email to that address.
Sarah Blanton, PT, DPT, NCS
The Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation
Instructions to Submit:
Please use jhrsubmissions [at] listserv [dot] cc [dot] emory [dot] edu for all submissions, c/o senior or managing editor with the name of the journal in the subject box. Click here to send an email to that address.
For primarily textual submissions, please submit a Microsoft Word document (.docx, .doc) or, if your piece requires complex formatting, a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. All manuscripts must be formatted double-spaced, with pages and lines numbered. Please use 12-point font.
Please make sure to complete the Author Checklist and Author Response to Peer Review for each submission.
Please send separate image, sound, and video files, even if the media should appear embedded in the text.
Please see the Submissions Guidelines page for details on formatting, referencing and the peer review process for The Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation. The managing editor of the journal will keep all authors informed as to the status of their submissions throughout the process. Published items will not be affiliated with a volume or issue but will be identified by date of publication.