
Anna Ilona Rajala, PT, MA

Anna Ilona Rajala is a physiotherapist with clinical experience in neurology and gerontology. She received a Master of Arts degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics of Health from University College London. She is currently finishing her PhD thesis, a philosophical critique of physiotherapy through the work of the Frankfurt School critical theorist Theodor W. Adorno, at CAPPE (Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics), School of Humanities, University of Brighton, UK. She also holds a research fellowship in political science at Tampere University, Finland. Her focus in a current project is on international political economy of dementia and rehabilitation. She is also co-founder of an independent research project on Shakespeare and philosophy, with an interest in themes of disablement, old age, and the body in Shakespeare’s plays. She is a co-chair of the Critical Physiotherapy Network, co-editor-in-chief of the peer-reviewed journal Thanatos, and co-founder of a website on mental health physiotherapy in Finnish. Her research interests include humanities (the arts, literature, dance, and history), philosophy, and politics (including the politics of care).

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