
Editorial: “What is Given May Be Gained”

Editorial: “What is Given May Be Gained”By Sarah R. Blanton, PT, DPT, Editor-in-Chief Download the article (pdf) Sabbaths [...]

Accommodating Students With Disabilities in Professional Rehabilitation Programs: An Institutional Ethnography Informed Study

Accommodating Students With Disabilities in Professional Rehabilitation Programs: An Institutional Ethnography Informed StudyBy Shaminder Dhillon, PhD(c); Sandra Moll, [...]

Resources: Finding Joy and New Perspectives

Resources: Finding Joy and New PerspectivesBy Madison Beasley, SPT and Nela Handac, PT, DPT Download the article (pdf) [...]

Implementing Expressive Writing in Outpatient Physical Therapy Clinics: Connecting Theoretical Foundations With Practical Strategies

Implementing Expressive Writing in Outpatient Physical Therapy Clinics: Connecting Theoretical Foundations With Practical StrategiesBy Eric Thomas Wanner, PT, [...]

Profiles in Professionalism With Bruce Greenfield

Profiles in Professionalism With Bruce GreenfieldBy Bruce Greenfield, PT, PhD, FNAP and Melissa McCune, PT, DPT, MPH Download [...]

Call for Papers

Call for Papers If you are interested in submitting your work to JHR, please review our Submission Guidelines. [...]

Editorial: Strange Bed-Fellows: Can the Humanities Help the Electronic Health Records Problem?

Editorial: Strange Bed-Fellows: Can the Humanities Help the Electronic Health Records Problem?By Sarah R. Blanton, PT, DPT, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF [...]

Humanities Instruction in Physical Therapy Education to Cultivate Empathy, Recognize Implicit Bias, and Enhance Communication: A Case Series

Humanities Instruction in Physical Therapy Education to Cultivate Empathy, Recognize Implicit Bias, and Enhance Communication: A Case SeriesBy [...]

Eye Spy 2022: Improving Nonverbal Communication and Interprofessional Perceptions in Health Science Students

Eye Spy 2022: Improving Nonverbal Communication and Interprofessional Perceptions in Health Science StudentsBy Cynthia Dodds, PT, PhD; Brooke [...]

Reconciling Mystical Experience with Concept of the Self: The Poetry of an Individual with a Right Temporal Lobectomy

Reconciling Mystical Experience with Concept of the Self: The Poetry of an Individual with a Right Temporal LobectomyBy [...]

"Few people are powerful enough, persuasive, persistent, consistent, and charismatic enough to change the world all at once, but everyone has the ability to affect the three feet around them by behaving more ethically, honestly, and compassionately toward those they meet."

Sharon Salzberg

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